Katie’s Hellion, Katie’s Hope, and Rhyn’s Redemption by Lizzy Ford
Katie is screw up- but one thing she knows- she doesn’t have a seven year old kid that just shows up one day. Turns out the “gods” (I mean, yeah they are supernatural, but not really gods, I dunno how I’d describe them at most- they are very vampire like also- gods seemed like the best fit) are all playing around with her as she find she is immune to their tricks- while the rest of the world isn’t (leading them to believe her to be a bad mother to a child not hers) Turns out she has an even greater role and soon finds the gods all want her, and one in particular that has been living in hell for over a century will claim her as his mate. Katie was such a great heroine. She is beat around time and time again, yet is still standing and kicking even after Death claims her at the end of the second novel. I enjoyed this tale. The first book was okay and I ended up wanting to know more and they just got better and better with each one.
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